Specialists of our company has accumulated vast experience in dealing with exploration, mining, geotechnical, hydrogeological and environmental problems, as well as monitoring of the observation of the physical condition of the geological environment.

List of industrial and research projects

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1. Mapping lenses increased groundwater salinity in the upper aquifer in the Osa field geophysical methods (typical site). The report on the research. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other funds PermNIPIneft and Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1992.
2. Mapping lenses petroleum electrical methods in the territory of the Kotlas oil depot. Research report. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other funds “Nordeco”, Arkhangelsk, and the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm.. 1995.
3. Reinterpretation and synthesis of terrestrial electro, gravimetric and geochemical surveys and studies on the areas of the mine fields of JSC “Uralkali” and JSC “Silvinit” in order to predict and isolation of potentially hazardous areas in the development of VKMKS. Research report. Authors V.M.Novoselitsky, V.P.Kolesnikov and others. Funds of the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia, 1996.
4. Assessment of the anthropogenic impact on the hydrosphere objects Solikamsk-3. Research report. Authors B.A.Bachurin, V.P.Kolesnikov and others. Funds JSC “Silvinit” and the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1996
5. Develop a software package for digital processing of electrical dan¬nyh mine in order to increase the efficiency of interpretation. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And dr.Otchet of research. Funds of the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1997.
6. Develop a set of detailed geophysical studies in areas with complex geological uslovi¬yami to identify priro¬dy mine elektrorazvedoch¬nyh anomalies. Research report. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other Funds of the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1997.
7. Conducting geophysical and radio-geochemical studies to map the areas of groundwater contamination in the suburban area of Osa town. Research report. Authors B.A.Bachurin, V.P.Kolesnikov and others. The funds of “PermNIPIneft” and the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1997.
8. Reinterpretation materia¬lov elektroraz¬vedochnyh ground works on the north-western part of the territory of Berezniki-4. Research report. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other Funds of JSC “Uralkali” and the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1997.
9. Contouring and detail potentially dangerous decompression zone in the persalt stratum (Berezniki-4 north-west). Above ground, underground gravi¬metricheskaya shooting in the northwestern part of the Mine 4. Research report. Authors: V.M.Novoselitsky, V.P.Kolesnikov etc. Funds JSC “Uralkali” and the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1998.
10. Reinterpretation and obob¬schenie materials and electro ground gravity surveys on plo¬schadyah mine fields of JSC “Uralkali” and JSC “Silvinit” in order to predict and isolation of potentially hazardous areas in the development of VKMKS. Research report. Authors: V.M.Novoselitsky, V.P.Kolesnikov etc. Funds JSC “Uralkali”, JSC “Silvinit” and the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1998.
11. Determination of the power of clay deposits on the territory of the central area UPPN-4 (Kueda) electrical methods. Research report. Authors: B.A.Bachurin, V.P.Kolesnikov and other funds of “PermNIPIneft” and the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1998.
12. Carrying out the monitoring work in the area of electro caving mine field Solikamsk-2. Research report. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov etc .. Funds Institute of Geological Sciences, Perm, 1998.
13. Carrying out research and methodological work on ispol¬zova¬niyu Electrometry methods for studying the structure and condition of the salt massif. Research report. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other Funds of JSC “Uralkali” and the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm., 1999.
14. Implementation of electro studies within the boundaries of New Zyrianka the purpose of mapping the supposed weakened zone in the surface of the section. About NIR.Avtory V.P.Kolesnikov Report (MS.), And others. The funds of the Office of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Berezniki and Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 1999.
15. Conducting electric survey in order to identify possible ways of movement p. Turaevki in karstic massif in the area d. Paul’s. Research report. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And others. Funds Ltd. “PermNIPIneft”. Perm, 2003.
16. Integrated reinterpretation of materials and electro gravirazvedochnyh works at Ust-Yayva site. Research report. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And others. The funds of OJSC “Uralkali”. Perm, 2003.
17. Carrying out electrical exploration in the territory of the central part of the Osa oil field in order to identify areas of salinisation of fresh groundwater. Research report. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And others. The funds of “PermNIPIneft”, 2000.
18. Initial processing of materials advanced geophysical studies carried out with the mobile electric survey equipment MARSES-TDEM in the deposit area “Central” of the research report. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And others. Funds Institute of Space Research Institute (IKI). 2004
19. Search subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations methods Electrometry. ” Research report. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And others. The funds JSC “Mobile”. 2004
20. Integrated reinterpretation of materials and electro gravirazvedochnyh works at Ust-Yayva site. Research report. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And others. The funds of “Uralkali”. 2004
21. Development and implementation of instructions for the surface and underground electric survey for JSC “Silvinit”. Research report. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And others. Funds “Silvinit”. 2005
22. Performing electro works on the project: “The pipeline system Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean (ESPO). Detailed documentation. The first start-up complex (496-620 km section). ” Report h.d .. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (MS.), And others. Funds of the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 2005
23. Performing electro works on the project: “The well water intake for reservoir pressure maintenance system at Lake oil field, according to HJ Report Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And others. Funds of the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia 2005
24. Pereinterpritatsiya electro materials in the eastern part of Novosolikamskoy area. ” Report HJ Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And others. Funds of the Mining Institute, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 2007
25. Research for the study of the possible construction of low-rise housing manor full accomplishment (d. Popovka, p. Shartash Kungur district). The report on the research. Authors V.P.Kolesnikov (ruk.geofiz. Work) and others. Funds MOB UKS Kungur region. 2007
26. Identify areas of salinisation of groundwater in the territory Chernushinsky oilfield methods Electrometry. The report on the research. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other funds of OAO “LUKOIL-Perm”.. 2007
27. Identification of areas of surface accumulations of hydrocarbons and saline groundwater in the territory Sosnowski and Tanypskogo oilfields methods Electrometry. The report on the research. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other funds of OAO “LUKOIL-Perm”.. 2007
28. Identification of areas of surface accumulations of hydrocarbons and saline groundwater in the territory Baklanovskaya oilfield methods Electrometry. The report on the research. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other funds of OAO “LUKOIL-Perm”.. 2007
29. Diagnosis of dams NDT methods (OLS). Research on the state contract № 99 from 27.05.2008 g with the Ministry of Natural Resources of Perm Krai. Authors: AV Konoplev, V.P.Kolesnikov, A.V.Tatarkin et al. In 2008
30. Conducting electric survey to address the hydrogeological problems in an emergency site area BKRU-1. ” The report on the research. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.). JSC “Galurgiya” funds. 2009
31.Pereinterpretatsiya electro materials on the territory of the license Talitsky area Verkhnekamskoye potash deposit. The report on the research. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other Funds Ltd. “Verkhnekamsk Potash Company.. 2009 -2010 years.
32. The introduction of hardware-software complex for the production of Mine. The report on the research. Authors: V.P.Kolesnikov (hands.) And other funds “Silvinit”, 2011.
33. Carrying out research and methodological geophysical work at the emergency site BKRU-1 BShSU area. Research report. Authors: VP Kolesnikov (MS.), and others. The funds of “Galurgiya”, 2011
34. Identifying and monitoring the formation of potentially dangerous areas on the Earth’s surface deformations underworked the city of Berezniki. Research report. Authors: VP Kolesnikov (MS.), and others. The funds of “Galurgiya”, 2012

et al. (in general the results of research are reflected in more than 60 reports on the implementation of industrial and research projects)


List of scientific publications

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1. VP Kolesnikov Machine interpretation parametric soundings using electric logging data (article). Uch.zap. Of Perm. Zap, number 339, 1974.
2. VP Kolesnikov Binding support elektri¬cheskogo horizon on the basis of the calculation of the synthetic curves VES. Uch.zap.Permsk. Zap, number 305 1975
3. VP Kolesnikov Qualitative interpretation of VES on the computer. Ouch. Rec. Of Perm. Zap, number 305 1975
4. Kolesnikov VP Error Study VES machine interpretation of the results. Ouch. Rec. Of Perm. Zap, number 357, 1975.
5. VP Kolesnikov The method of correction in the method of numerical solution of the inverse problem of VES. Uch.zap.Permsk. Zap, number 359 1976
6. Kolesnikov VP Quantitative interpretation of vertical electrical sounding on a computer. Coll. “Algorithms and computer program V-220M”. Dep. VINITI, N 1803-78, 1978.
7. Kolesnikov, VP, NN Serebrennikov Regularization algorithm re¬zultatov observation method vertical electric sounding. Coll. “Algorithms and computer program V-220M”. Dep. VINITI, N 1803-78, 1978
8. Kolesnikov VP The construction algorithm of automatic interpretation of MT data. Coll. “Solenoid. sensing “.Tez. rep. At the All-Union. School-Sem. Kiev, “Naukova Dumka”, 1978.
9. Matveev BK, VP Kolesnikov Processing and interpretation of VES curves by computer. “Geoelectrics” reference geofizi¬ka, M. “Nedra”, 1980.
10. Kolesnikov, VP, NN Serebrennikov Automation of the process of interpretation of formal solutions in method VES. Coll. “Geofiz.m-dy search and develop. oilfield. oil and gas. ” Publishing house of Perm. University, Perm, 1981
11. V. Kolesnikov Processing and interpretation of vertical electric sounding by a computer (monograph). M. “Nedra”, 1981, 140 pp.
12. Kolesnikov, VP, Luzin ZI, Soloviev VM, Serebren¬nikova NN Experience in the interpretation of VES data with a computer when solving hydrogeological problems. Proc. rep. Ural Conf. “Primen.matem. methods and computers in processing inform.na geologorazv.rabotah “, Sverdlovsk, 1982
13. Matveev BK, Kolesnikov VP Larionov E.I.Matematicheskoe modeli¬rovanie electromagnetic fields for the purpose of searching for oil and gas mesto¬rozhdeny in the northern part of the Timan-Pechersk province. Proc. “Geophysical. methods “of search and exploration of oil and gas.” Intercollege. sb.nauchn. works, Perm, 1983.
14. VP Kolesnikov Determination of velocity parameters upper section according to the electrical sensing by computer. Coll. “Studying in the near-surface seismic CDP” Dep.v VINITI N 1245-83, 1983.
15. VP Kolesnikov Ways to enhance the uniqueness of the interpretation of these electrical sounding. Tez.dokl.n.-tehn. meeting “Methods of geological research”, Perm, 1984.
16. Kolesnikov, VP, Soloviev VM, Sosnina L.P.Opyt automatic interpretation of the electrical sensing in solving of geological problems. In the book “. Primen.mat.me¬todov and computers in Grain. inf.na geol.-isolator. the works. ” Tez.dokp.5 th Ural Conf., 1985.
17. The automated system of processing and interpretation of VES data. In the book “. Automation techniques obr.-ki Geophysics. inform.pri for oil and ga¬za “. Proc. dokl.nauch.-tehn. Meeting, 1986.
18. VP Kolesnikov Using statistical modeling in the interpretation of VES data. Dep. VINITI, number 121, V86, 1986.
19. VP Kolesnikov Using the methods of self-interpretation of the data in the automation of electrical sensing. In the book “. Nov.metody search. and develop. and analysis places. floor. iskop. in connection with kompl.izuch. subsoil Zap. Urals “. Proc. rep. nauchn.-tehn. ings of the Conference. 1987.
20. Kolesnikov VP Lomov LG, Soloviev VM Status and prospects of the processing and interpretation of vertical electrical sounding (VES) in the system “Zond-5”. In the book “. Primen.mat. met. and a computer in processing inf. on geologorazv.rabotah “.Tez.dokl.U1 th Ural Conf., Chelyabinsk, 1988.
21. VP Kolesnikov Automatic processing system of programs and data interpretation of VES – “Probe” (section in the book). Proc. “Geoelectrics”. Directory of geophysics., Moscow, “Nedra”, Volume 1, 1989.
22. VP Kolesnikov Interpretation of electrical sounding method of singular points. Dep. VINITI, N 4959-B90, 1990.
23. Kolesnikov, VP, V.A.Kutin, I.M.Skum¬bin. Investigation of the influence of man-made noise on the results of the electrical sensing. Proc. rep. 6 Intern. Sem. on the topic. “Mining geophysics” Perm 1993
24. Kolesnikov, VP On the methodological principles of interpretation of electrical soundings. Coll. rep. Russian. Conf. “Theory and Pract. Interprom. dan¬nyh of e-magnet. Geofiz. fields. ” (16-19 Sept. 1996). Ekaterinburg, 1996, s.71-76.
25. Kolesnikov, VP, Kutin VA Methods of imaging the three-dimensional geoelectric field. Coll. rep. Russian. Conf. “Theory and Pract. Interprom. elektromag¬nitn data. Geofiz. Elysees. ” (16-19 September 1996). Ekaterinburg, 1996, s.77-79.
26. VP Kolesnikov Mapping of zones of increased salinity of groundwater in the area of Solikamsk-3 electrical methods. Mountain ru¬bezhe science of the XXI century. Proc. Conference reports Mezhdu¬na¬rodnoy Mosk¬va-Perm, 12-19 September. 1997, 1997, p.86.
27. VP Kolesnikov On the results of statistical modeling feedback VES problem. Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields Interuniversity collection of scientific papers, Perm, 1997.
28. Kolesnikov, VP, Genik IV, VP Pronin .. Experience of nizko¬chas¬totnyh methods elektro¬razvedki in mine conditions Verkhnekamskoye mestorozh¬deniya potash. Dokl. International Conference “Mountain of science at the turn of the twenty-first century (Melnikovsky reading).” Ekaterinburg, 1998, s.330-335.
29. Kolesnikov, VP, Sere¬brennikova NN, Genik IV On the application of the principles of imaging with an electric rock mass candling. Dokl. The International Conference, “Mountain of science at the turn of the twenty-first century (Melnikovsky reading).” Ekatrinburg1998, s.325-330.
30. VP Kolesnikov Increasing the uniqueness of the interpretation of the results of areal surveys VES. “Problems and geo¬teh¬nologii nedro¬vedeniya (Melnikov¬skie reading).” Dokl. Mezhdunarod¬noy Conf. 6-10 July 1998 Ekaterin¬burg, 1998, s.232-235, 1998.
31. Kudrya¬shov AI, Fomin VI, Kolesnikov VP Chanvinskoe limestone deposit (monograph). Perm, 1999. 81 pp.
32. VP Kolesnikov, SM Kostarev The use of hydro-chemical and electrical methods for detecting sources of contamination of fresh groundwater in the areas of integrated effects (for example, at-Gorodnov Osa town area). Coll. JSC “PermNIPIneft ‘scientific works. Geol., Except., Drilling, no. 2, 1999, s.205-217.
33. VP Kolesnikov The main results of scientific research laboratory surface and underground Electrometry in 1999. The problems of mining and nedrovedeniya systemology. Mate¬rialy scientific ses¬sii Gor¬nogo insti¬tuta UB RAS. Perm, 1999, s.33-36.
34. Kolesnikov, VP, Kutin V.A.Chislennoe modeling of electric fields for three-dimensional models of media. Problems of mining and nedrovedeniya systemology. Mate¬rialy scientific ses¬sii Gor¬nogo insti¬tuta UB RAS. Perm, 1999, s.36-38.
35. Kolesnikov, VP, Kutin VA Development of analytical methods for three-dimensional Electrometry. Problems of mining and nedrovedeniya systemology. Mate¬rialy scientific Ses these Gor¬nogo insti¬tuta UB RAS. Perm, 2000, s.87-90
36. VP Kolesnikov Development of methods to increase the efficiency of surface and underground Electrometry. Proceedings of the scientific session Gor¬nogo Institute UB RAS. Perm, 2001 s.161-164.
37. Kolesnikov, VP, Kutin VA, Genik IV Mathematical modeling of electric fields in solving problems surface and underground Electrometry. “Geophysics and Mathematics” The Second All-Russian Conference. Perm, 2001.Doklad. S.149-158
38. Kolesnikov, VP, SV Kostarev Application Electrometry methods for problem solving oilfield geoecology. Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields. Number 8. Moscow, VNIIOENG.2002. S.131-138.
39. VP Kolesnikov State and prospects of Electrometry methods in mining and engineering problems. Prospects for the development of geophysical methods of the XXI century: G278 Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference / Perm. University t.- Perm, 2004, pp 88-91
40. VP Kolesnikov Basics interpretation of electrical soundings (monograph). M. “Science World”, 2007. 248 pp.
41.Kolesnikov VP Improvement and development of methodological and interpretive support of electric survey applied to the solution of search and engineering tasks. // Strategy and development processes georesources. Proceedings of the scientific session of the Mining institutat UB RAS. Perm, 6-13 April. 2006. p. 209-211.
42. VP Kolesnikov, AV Tatarkin Express Electrometry methods in detecting and monitoring the status of zones violations waterproof stratum in a salt mine / International Symposium “Week of the miner – 2007” (Moscow, Moscow State Mining University, 22-26.01.2007g.). Workshop 3 Problems of geophysical monitoring of the geological environment state under anthropogenic influences. Mining newsletter number 5. – M .: Publishing house of the Moscow State Mining University, 2008. p. 164-172.
43. Kolesnikov, VP, Tatarkin AV Dimuhametov M.Sh. The use of computer interpretation of electrical prospecting data technology in the study of the karst areas. “Perm University Herald” scientific journal. Vyp.10 (26) 2008. S.136-143.
44. Kolesnikov, VP, Tatarkin AV, AV Prigara, Konoplev AV Diagnosis of dams NDT methods. // Geology and Mineral Resources of the Western Urals: Materials. region. scientific-practical. Conf. Perm, 2009. P. 257-261.
45. VP Kolesnikov “On the improvement of technology and methods of interpretation of electrical soundings.” Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “InjGeo 2010”, Gelendzhik, 26-30 April 2006, 4 p.
46. Kolesnikov, VP, Tatarkin AV AM Prigara “On complexing Electrometry methods for solving problems of hydro-geological conditions in the urban areas on the example of salts Vehnekamskogo field.” Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “InjGeo 2010”, Gelendzhik, 26-30 April 2006, 4 p.
47. VP Kolesnikov On increasing the uniqueness of the interpretation of electrical soundings. “Perm University Herald” scientific journal. Vol. 2 (11) 2011. 45-51 p.
48. Kolesnikov, VP, Tatarkin AV, AA Filimonchik On the application elektr8ometrii methods for safe mining Verkhnekamskoye potash deposit. N8auchno technical journal “Geophysics”. Vol. 5.2011. Pp 59-64.
49. Kolesnikov, VP, Prigara AM Tatarkin AV, AA Filimonchik Engineering studies geofizich8eskie undermined territories. Surveying, Moscow, number 9, 2012 S.25-33.

et al. (all published more than 130 works, including 3 monographs, chapters in reference books on electrical exploration, inventors’ certificates)



The presentation of the results of some works


About complexing Electrometry methods for solving problems of hydro-geological conditions in the urban areas on the example of salt deposits Verkhnekamskoye



The use of computer technology in identifying areas of salinization of groundwater and subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations in the areas of oil fields


The application of computer technology iinterpretatsii electrical prospecting data in the study of karst areas



Reinterpretation of electro materials in the eastern part of the area novosolikamskoy



Identify areas of salinisation of groundwater and subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations in the territory Sosnowski oilfield Electrometry methods



The study of geodynamic processes in the area of ​​the Chuya earthquake (Gorny Altai, 2003-2005)



Express Electrometry methods in detecting and monitoring the status of zones violations waterproof stratum in a salt mine



Complex geophysical research status of soil foundation structures (for example, “Dolphin” swimming pool)