AMS-1 hardware-software complex allows to conduct electrical explorations by resistivity methods, self-potential method, induced polarization method, diagnostic of pipelines, survey of cathodic protection and others. More over using AMS-1 complex combined with the commutator you can realize measurements by electrical tomography method automatically.

In addition to current source and receiver the AMS-1 complex contains up-to-date software. Both equipment and software are unique. This computer programs system allows to generate maps, sections and 3D models of investigated object and determine mineral and soils type.



The AMS-1 hardware complex has been created with the close assistance of the staff of the Geophysics Department of the Perm State National Research University. The complex was severely tested during experiments and large amount of field surveys.

The temperature conditions of explorations with the tested AMS-1 complex changed from -500C in the north regions of Russia to +400C near Black Sea. It is beyond the specification temperature range. The equipment is designed with the great margin of safety. The AMS-1 complex was tested successfully and excellent operational characteristics were shown.


Distinctive features of the equipment:


  • Radio communication between current source and receiver
  • Light weight set (about 1kg)
  • Long period of self-sufficient operation (5-7 days)
  • Ingress protection rating IP65
  • User friendly interface
  • Heating screen (for work under the condition of low temperature)
  • Automatic recalculation of the potential difference in the apparent resistivity
  • Measurement results are saved in the equipment memory in the format of the ZOND program system and can be promptly imported to PC for processing and interpretation
  • Measurements process with the possibility to take into account the field survey method (points numbers, current and receiver line size and others)
  • Visualization of the sounding curves on the screen of the receiver
  • Ability to work with multielectrode arrays using the commutator COMDD-48
  • Reasonable price





Current source

  • output voltage 200 V
  • Output current 0.5-100 mA
  • Work frequencies 0-2500 Hz
  • Switching is manual or by radio signal from the receiver
  • Stabilization error 1%
  • Ingress protection rating IP65
  • The range of the work temperature from -30 to +50°С
  • Dimension 160x80x55 mm
  • Weight 0.6 kg



  • Frequency range 0-2500 Hz
  • Measuring range -5+5 V
  • ADC 24 bits
  • Data storage capacity 2Gb
  • USB PC connection interface
  • Synchronization with current source by radio signal 433 MHz
  • Ingress protection rating IP65
  • The range of the work temperature from -30 to +50°С
  • Dimension 180x130x35 mm
  • Weight 0.55 kg

The equipment complex AMS-1 has been developed in 2007 for the field measurements of vertical electrical sounding. It is adapted to the Zond program system.

The usage of this software and hardware complex provides the significant increase of the survey effectiveness and the possibility to obtain the necessary information during the field measurement process.

Uralgeopole company conducts scientific investigations and development of hardware and software with the close assistance of other companies. It allows to take into account the specific features of solving problems for creating of geophysical technologies.