Scientific development and production company “Uralgeopole” has a great scientific capability and practical experience in the field of geophysical investigations with the help of electromagnetic methods.
The main aspect of our work is the development and applying of modern technology and equipment in this sphere, aimed to the increase of the obtained results validity and economic efficiency of surveys. These investigations have been conducted by authors since 1970-80 and the results have been shown in more than 150 scientific publications and 100 research reports.
The Zond computer program system has been developed by the scientists of the Uralgeopole company. It provides an opportunity to obtain information about the geological structure and physical condition of investigated medium with the estimation of the results validity. The theoretical basis of the Zond program system has been reflected in two monographs and other scientific papers. This technology is successfully applied in different universities and companies.
The equipment complex AMS-1 has been developed in 2007 for the field measurements of vertical electrical sounding and other methods. It is adapted to the Zond program system.
The usage of this software and hardware complex provides the significant increase of the survey effectiveness and the possibility to obtain the necessary information during the field measurement process.
Unique scientific findings allowed our specialists to successfully solve different traditional and unconventional problems for such companies as Lukoil, Uralkalii and others.
Nowadays Uralgeopole company focuses on the development of the hardware-software complexes and geophysical investigations with the purpose of geological, engineering, hydrogeological, mining and ecological problems solving. For example,
- Mineral exploration and solving of associated problems (the determination of rock laying depth, the stratification of geological structure, the mapping of permafrost, the detection and delineation of technogenic hydrocarbon accumulations in near-surface part of geological medium and others);
- Hydrogeological investigations and associated problems (ground water finding, the mapping of buried river valleys, the determination of ground water level, the estimation of direction and the velocity of ground water motion, the detection and countering of karst area and others);
- Ecological problems solving (the determination of chloride and hydrocarbon contamination of geological medium and others);
- Monitoring and prediction of negative physicogeological processes (exposure and tracking of tectonic dislocations and fracture zones, determination and monitoring control of salt karst processes, failure phenomena formation, landslide processes, talik zones and others);
- Engineering problems solving (nondestructive control of engineering constructions condition, including hydrotechnical objects and building footing, the determination of soil corrosiveness and circulating currents presence, the assessment of pile penetration depth, investigation of products pipelines and other constructions, detection of leakages and monitoring control of reservoirs and subsurface liquid waste storage facility and others)
The main scientific directions:
- The development of theoretical and methodical base of ground and underground electrical prospecting.
- The creation of automated computer system for processing, interpretation and visualization of geophysical methods results.
- The development of technologies for nondestructive control of geological medium for projection and exploitation of engineering constructions.
- The development of technology for investigation of geological structure with the usage of industrial electromagnetic fields.
- The development and improving of monitoring systems.
- The development of methods of quantitative modeling of geophysical fields.
The main results of scientific investigations:
Intellectual property items
- The ZOND system of programs for computer interpretation of electrical sounding (Patent RU №2005610058);
- The electrical prospecting method based on the vector measurements of field (Patent RU № 2256198).
- Hardware-software complex AMS-1 for electrical prospecting investigations by resistivity methods (Patent RU № 97542).
The increase of the electrical explorations efficiency for different type problems solving is close connected with the improving of hardware and software. The significant results have been obtained in this sphere. One of the result is the hardware and software complex which includes 1) AMS-1 equipment (Patent RU № 97542) and 2) the Zond automated program system for nterpretation of electrical sounding data (Patent RU №2005610058).
The hardware and software complex has been designed with the usage of up-to-date technologies, including the visual control of the signal spectrum and signal/noise ratio, the digital filtering of noise, radio communication between transmitter and receiver, visualization of the sounding curves on the screen of the receiver, the possibility of work under the condition of low temperature (-25-300C), the opportunity of automatic and interactive interpretation of data in the mode ‘model–field’, the estimation of the result reliability, the 3D model of the investigated medium and others.